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Artistic Events

We create events and art installations in public spaces. Here you can discover a few projects we created! 

StadsCircusFestival Leuven 
Opening Museum M

We shaped the
 public opening festival of the prestigeous new Museum M of Leuven, Belgium. The theme of the opening exhibition was 'the passion of the master', so we created a street festival where everything turned around passion and colored red. A massive circus parade with more than 200 actors invaded the city. Through a performance installation mounted on the terrace of the museum we presented a 'gift' to the museum. When the big box opened, big drums accorded the opening of the doors. Two fresh circusshows in the city theatre and many artists from the circusschool rounded up the impressive program!

World Of Broken Wonders

Festival CircusBruul

A city park in the centre of Leuven was transformed into a romantic and melancholic old circus village. Some wonders were broken, others still appeared real. The fine line between illusion and reality was literally driven on monocycle on the wire and even a clown walked high up in the air upside down. Abandoned furniture, authentic gypsie caravans and an aged circustent brought back a time long forgotten. Once wonderous, now broken or left in memory. A parade, specially developed for the festival and inspired by James Ensor, marched through the park, the masks symbolizing people playing games and not showing their true face. The World of Broken Wonders was foremost a nostalgic experience for the whole family to enjoy!

Public Opening 

In 2012 we opened the Art Exhibition 'Newtopia - the state of human rights' with a colourful and hopeful festival. Our concept was to create a radiant, futuristic and delightful atmosphere. In the city heart of Mechelen we colored the streets with light, installations, psychedelic effects and spectacular performances. The main act symbolised the goal(s), a bull's eye high in the air, to attain a Newtopia, a new world,  where we all want to be a part of. A world where everyone is included, with goals we can truly believe in and where all humans have solid human rights.  

Public Art Installations

Wishing in the Wind


The 2060 neighbourhood of the Conincplein in Antwerp is one of the most challenging cityparts of Belgium. More than 200 nationalities live together on a square km. We offered them a 'white page' and invited them to fill the page freely with what they wish for themselves, the neighbours, the world... The new white page symbolises the open space, the freedom many people don't always experience. It also focusses on the positive, a new beginning, the hope for a better life and an warmer community. And at the same time all the wishes where hung above the square as a social art installation, lighted by Led Spots. 

Tower of BaB(b)el

A talking light installation was our contemporary interpretation of the ancient symbolism of the Tower of Babel. Build on the same De Conincplein in Antwerp, it wants to express the hope to overcome the 'Babylonian lingual confusion'. With strong spots lighting up the sky, this light expresses the hope to once finish the construction and overcoming language and cultural difficulties. The neon-ledlights, spiralling up the tower, poetically shows the never-ending efforts we all have to make in order to try to understand each other and making good, real and durable contact and relations.

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